Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Concept madness!
'Your EDC or "Every Day Carry" is the equipment that you carry with you EVERY TIME you leave the relative safety of your home - this includes firearms, edged weapons, impact weapons, chemical (OC/CS) irritants and neuro-muscular disruptor weapons (Stun Guns / TASER). Your personal EDC also includes personal survival kits, combat style flashlight or mini maglight, sunglasses, cash/credit cards, wrist/pocket watch, cellular phones, paracord "survival bracelets", snack foods and water. Your EDC needs to be small enough to carry with you at all times where it can be concealed (weapons concealed only where legal to do so) - it needs to be lightweight and should be legal to carry'

The concept of what idea can turn into complete madness when every day valuables and object that mean a lot to you turn into the idea of safety. And the idea of carrying more safety items around with you instead of personal objects gives off a false reflection of a person personality.

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